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Relief Society

About Us

The Relief Society helps prepare women for the blessings of eternal life as they increase faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and His Atonement, strengthen individuals, families, and homes through ordinances and covenants, and work in unity to help those in need. Each ward Relief Society meets every other week. Check individual wards for more information.

Messages from
Women Leaders in LA

Stake Leaders

Stake Relief Society President

Krissy Smiley (Santa Monica Ward)

Stake Relief Society 1st Counselor

Gigi Renick (Wilshire 3rd Ward)

Stake Relief Society​ 2nd Counselor

Claudia Mendez (La Cienega Ward)

Stake Relief Society 3rd Counselor

Veronica Basadre (Santa Monica YSA Ward)

Get Involved

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Los Angeles Stake Center | 1209 South Manhattan Place | Los Angeles, CA 90019 |

Stake President: Brian Ames | First Counselor: Trevor Brazier | Second Counselor: Jake Peterson |

Executive Secretary: Tyler Brennan |  Stake Relief Society President: Krissy Smiley | Stake Young Men's President: David Taylor |

Stake Young Women's President: Heather Ward | Stake Sunday School President: Ryan Davis | Stake Primary President: Loni Hatch | Website Administrator: Erin Sorensen

These online resources including all of the content, images, or other materials are not sponsored or endorsed by

the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They do not officially represent the Church

in any way and are not an official, Church-sponsored product.

©2024 by The Los Angeles Stake

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